The Audytorium Biegli Rewidenci limited liability partnership was established in 2009. Within a dozen or so years, we have created a competent, vigorous, and close-knit team of 40 professionals, providing accounting, HR, and payroll services to more than 150 entities from various fields. We are constantly learning and improving our qualifications to support the business goals of our clients with our knowledge and experience. Thanks to implementing the best accounting practices and modern IT tools, our clients receive accounting services of the highest quality. Audytorium’s team is coordinated and supervised by its founding partners, chartered accountants Anna Pigoń and Arkadiusz Grabowski.
Anna Pigoń is a chartered accountant with many years of practice and experience in auditing individual financial statements and keeping accounts following Polish and international accounting standards. Since 2007, she has been a member of ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), an international organisation bringing together management, finance, and accounting professionals.
Arkadiusz Grabowski has been a statutory auditor for many years, specialising in auditing financial statements and providing bookkeeping services following the requirements of Polish and international accounting standards. He is a long-standing lecturer in accounting and taxes at INFOR, the Advisory Centre and Staff Training (ODDK), and the Accounting Association in Poland (AAP).

Our team
„Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”
– Michael Jordan