
An external accountancy office guarantees access to the services of an experienced and highly qualified team, which leads to time savings and cost optimisation. The team is made up of experts in the field of finance, accounting, and taxes. We keep track of any changes in regulations affecting our customers’ interests in accounting and taxes. Our team is constantly improving its qualifications through learning and training. As a result, our clients can devote their energy to conducting their own business activity and increasing their competitiveness.

Accounting ledgers based on PAS (Polish Accounting Standards) and IAS (International Accounting Standards)

  • we keep a register of economic events
  • we keep a register of fixed assets with calculations of depreciation charges
  • we help implement modern accounting systems and solutions
  • we settle the value added tax (VAT)
  • we prepare current and annual tax returns
  • we prepare mandatory financial statements
  • we prepare transparent and reliable financial reports
  • we submit mandatory data update forms to the Tax Office and the Social Insurance Institution
  • we prepare and submit tax returns to the relevant Tax Office
  • we represent our clients before the Tax Office, the Social Insurance Institution and other control authorities