Human resources
and payroll

Human resources and payroll outsourcing reduces the risk to the company’s operations, secures a proper and timely payroll calculation, ensures cost reduction, and increases the effectiveness of the processes under implementation. Our team guarantees convenience and security, as well as ongoing access to data through an employee platform (e-Pracownik).
Human resources
- we keep records of employee personal data
- we keep personal files of employees
- we supervise the timeliness of medical examinations
- we keep personnel documentation of employees: employment contracts, contract terminations, certificates of employment, agreements
- we prepare full documentation as regards the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Tax Office (US), the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON), etc.
- we guarantee on-line access to data
- we represent our clients before control authorities
- we draw up payroll
- we draft regulations
- we prepare full documentation as regards the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Tax Office (US), the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON), etc.
- we settle personal income tax
- we process payroll payments
- we perform personnel and payroll audits
- we provide clear reports according to the needs of the Client
- we represent the Client before audit institutions